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MFP has begun their 2024 water well projects. This is the first of three wells that will be given to the citizens of Jloloken and Gbamaken villages in Karluway district, and Sawtuken village in Barrobo district, Maryland County.
On Saturday, July 30, 2022, MFP turned over a hand pump well to the citizens of Rocktown. Harper district in Maryland Co. in honor of Mrs. C. Gyudede Bedell Woods. Our profound thanks and appreciation to her son, Abrom Cooper who supported this project.
Culturally and language appropriate COVID-19 preventative awareness education was provided along with distribution of facial masks. In the awareness project started on May 16, 2020 and ended June 25, 2020. During awareness campaigns a total of 1600 masks were distributed to market women and residents in Harper City, Barriken, Pleebo City, Karloken, Cavalla and Barrabo District. In Cavalla, five communities -Big Town, Wlogoloken, Mission Town, Dololu and Yanlo were serviced with house to house awareness by the National Rural Women Association-Maryland Branch headed by Mario Dio, President.  Volunteers for a Healthy Liberia headed by Theophilus Quaye conducted the masks and awareness activities for the other areas except Barrabo. The awareness and masks distribution for Barrabo were done by youths in Barraboo with help of Emmanuel Collin, TU Farm Manager who traveled to Harper to pickup the masks and back to Barrabo.
Seator Village Barrobo District, Maryland County - MFP Well Water Project


MFP Fundraising Gala

Gather with your closest Friends and Community as we celebrate Marylanders For Progress Annual Virtual Fundraising Gala to benefit

Kaakudi Academy

Join the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 0444 6438
Passcode: 101876

For more information on MFP, click on this link:

Special statement from Mrs Roberta Brown Cooper, President of the Marylanders for Progress during the dedication of a hand pump for the village of Kaakudi in Maryland County. Click below for video.

Kaakudi women express gratitude to MFP as they anticipate drinking clean water from a well

Culturally and language appropriate COVID-19 preventative awareness education was provided along with distribution of facial masks. In the awareness project started on May 16, 2020 and ended June 25, 2020. During awareness campaigns a total of 1600 masks were distributed to market women and residents in Harper City, Barriken, Pleebo City, Karloken, Cavalla and Barrabo District. In Cavalla, five communities -Big Town, Wlogoloken, Mission Town, Dololu and Yanlo were serviced with house to house awareness by the National Rural Women Association-Maryland Branch headed by Mario Dio, President.  Volunteers for a Healthy Liberia headed by Theophilus Quaye conducted the masks and awareness activities for the other areas except Barrabo. The awareness and masks distribution for Barrabo were done by youths in Barraboo with help of Emmanuel Collin, TU Farm Manager who traveled to Harper to pickup the masks and back to Barrabo.


The first installed hand pump water well project by Marylanders For Progress in Zone 3, Pleebo Sodoken District, Maryland County. Residents of Zone 3 are appreciative of the well where they can pump clean drinking water.

( Click below to see videos )


Click link below for VIDEO
Marylanders for Progress MFP reach out to Demu Koffa, mother of little Levi Koffa with a purse presented
by it's focal person Solo Otto Gaye

MFP is with Mayor of Harper ( see pictures below )

Hon. Gyude Browne, Mayor of Harper City, Maryland County was invited to the United States by the Maryland Liberia Sister State committee, celebrating  its 10th anniversary on the 13th of October, 2017.

At the celebration, Ms. Mindy Niche, Director, International Affairs for the State of Maryland extended an invitation to Mayor Browne to meet with the Secretary of State of Maryland, Hon. John Wobensmith and  Deputy Secretary Hon. Luis Borunda.

During the meeting in Annapolis, Mayor Browne gave a brief presentation on Maryland County and his role as Mayor of Harper City, the capital. He also presented Sec. Wobensmith with an agenda for cooperation between the State of Maryland and Harper City.

Accompanying Mayor Browne to the meeting were Mr. Morris Koffa, Chairman of the Maryland Liberia Sister State Committee, Vice-Chair, Mrs. Luana Kiandoli, Mr. Gerald Cooper and Mrs. Roberta Brown Cooper, who are also members of the Committee.

The leadership of MFP held a reception in honor of Mayor Browne. He gave an overall briefing on the County and a more in-depth briefing on progress and challenges of Harper City.

The Lord Mayor's visit was greatly appreciated by Marylanders and supporters who he had the opportunity to meet during his visit.

Dr. Elizabeth Davis-Russell presents donated medical supplies to Grand Cavalla Clinic from MFP

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Marylanders For Progress' 2015 fundraising project is providing access to clean drinking water to all citizens of Maryland County, Liberia. Please click link to support our efforts. Thanks for your support.

MFP donated a brand new radio station to the WVS Tubman University.
The frequency of Phoenix FM has the capacity to be heard in Maryland, neighboring Counties and the Côte d'Ivoire.


©2013 Marylanders For Progress, Liberia Inc. ( MFP ) - All Rights Reserved - Website by Iron Web Designs